Wednesday, November 18, 2020

birthday '20 +1

If the fresh breath of the morning breeze
wishes to shower the landscape of your mind
with rose-petals,
let it

If an abandoned torment,
buried in the crevices of a bygone time,
wishes to burn bright again,
let it

As if only with a stranger,
sit before me for a fleeting moment,
or two

Although, my regret at having lost you,
the void that fills my soul,
will only get worse,
once we part again

Although, every word we speak
will stumble
on the invisible obstacle
of all those that can’t be said

I will not remind you
of pledges made & unmade
of faith kept & unkept

But, if through the gathered dust of time,
my tired eyes try to speak to you
upon the first instance of sight,
you may choose to listen,
or not.

And if words fail me completely,
in that moment,
you may choose to speak to me,
or not.

- Murder at my hand of Faiz's "koi ashiq kisi mahbuba se"

Friday, November 06, 2020

Seraiki Podcast # 1

Cherry be popped! My first ever podcast and on a subject that is very near to my heart. Seraiki marginalization is real. The denial of the Seraiki identity is real. The culture that is at the geographical center of this country cannot afford to remain silent or invisible anymore. 

So boys, when you grow up and see this, know that this was a proud first for your father. Hope for more visible and forceful engagement here on out.

Nawabzada Hassan Hussein Qureshi is spearheading the initiative and putting in sincere effort to make these podcasts happen. The object is to reach the masses and not just be an echo chamber for the Seraiki elites. People who arrive here are requested to follow @Seraikast's Twitter Handle and share the podcast as widely as possible on social media.

The video and audio of the podcast I participated in on November 5, 2020:

Listen to "Seraiki Podcast Episode 3" on Spreaker.

Click here for the original @Seraikast tweet with the video-link to the podcast. And here, for the tweet with the audio-link.

Click @Seraikast for their Twitter profile.