Wednesday, October 01, 2008

shab-e-firaq: the overwhelming

stay by me
my tormentor, my heart’s keeper
stay by me

at the hour, the night spreads
intoxicated on the crimson of the heavens
the dark night spreads,
wielding soothing salves of musk,
and agony that pierces every pore

chanting merrily a dirge of sorrow
it comes
rattling wildly the rattle of death
it comes

at the hour
when hearts sink deeper,
looking to hands held hostage in sleeves,
in futile hope

and the sound of wine,
pouring out
as if sobs of a frightened child
in restlessness, implacable, wretched

when no words form a sentence
when no sentence forms meaning

at the hour, the night spreads
at the hour, the grieving, desolate, dark night spreads

stay by me
my tormentor, my heart’s keeper
stay by me

- A transliteration of Faiz's 'Paas Raho'

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sista said...
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