Thursday, May 28, 2009

the God complex

By writing what I am about to write, I do not presume to conjecture upon the existence of an almighty God. Far be it for me, an infinitesimal speck on the limitless expanse of creation, to be vain enough to put forth hypothetical claims and opinions as regards the existence of an Omnipotent being, the Prime Mover Unmoved, Yahweh, God, Allah. All I mean to do is to talk about certain thoughts that are befuddling my thinking process after a very interesting exchange I had with a friend on the subject of god and his manifestation in terms of nature and life on earth. Although, if I am honest to myself, I think I am actually more motivated by what this other friend said. He told me that my blog seems to be drying up and perhaps I am losing the ability to write; nothing like an affront to what one secretly holds very dear to prod one into action. So, if nothing else, this post provides occasion to play Victor Frankenstein to the lifeless monster that is my blog. Hope that by the end of this piece, I can gleefully announce: ‘it’s alive!’ Here goes, then.

Life, as we experience it, and by ‘we’ I mean every living thing on the planet Earth and not just human beings, is cyclical. The concept was first introduced to me by Mufasa from The Lion King; the great circle of life. It’s an elaborate system in which species prey on other species just to survive in a never-ending game that engages all of life’s basic faculties and instincts: greed, opportunism, stealth, strength, brute force, hunger, desperation, hope, and most importantly, just the pure will to survive. Intense intellectual debate still abounds as regards the origins of this system. Some believe that this natural scheme of things evolved over millennia through rigorous processes of natural selection and the application of Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest in which millions of species existed and then went extinct to reach the face of life on earth as we know it today. Others speak of a divinely ordained intellectual design whereby this system was set in motion by the Lord Himself, persists because He wills it to, and will come to an end at a time of His choosing. In this carefully constructed divine system, God has given power to some species over others to do with as they please, and Man, being the best of all His creations, stands at the top of this power structure.

Now, let me start with the circle of life itself. Mufasa had us believe that although the lion eats the antelope, when the lion dies his body turns to grass, and the antelope eats the grass; a radical, new perspective for any 13-year old Disney enthusiast. At the age of 26 though, Mufasa’s philosophy seems to have broken down as I perceive a definite break in the circle. The circle is more like a triangular pyramid to me where all of the earth’s natural resources tend towards Man because of his intellectual and material superiority over all other species, while Man himself contributes minimally to the balance of nature. Deforestation, extinction of animal species and hazardous climate changes are all instances of Man’s arrogant ascendancy over the planet. The funny bit is that even when he dies, he is disposed off in manners that ensure that the earth does not benefit much from it either in terms of nutrients or as food source for lesser species.

Having said all of the above, it is universal belief that God is an Absolute being. He is One and cannot be compared to any other. His omniscience is unquestionable, and He exists in totality, and not in relation to any other object or being. Life on earth, on the other hand, is relativism incarnated. Man, by depending on his relative strengths upon other beasts and his ability to subjugate them to be used as beasts of burden or as items on the dinner menu, guarantees his own survival and dominance over all else. Lower down the food chain, all species are competing against each other as per their relative strengths and weaknesses in the struggle to survive. The Alaskan Grizzly knows that at this certain time of year, hundreds of thousands of salmon would try and come upstream to breed. And consequently, the salmon have to run a gauntlet of merciless claws and teeth just to be able to perpetuate their kind. It’s a system all right; a system where the strong takes down the weak and all is fair in the battle for survival. It’s a system that works; has worked for millennia, much before any conception of God or religion came about. Notwithstanding the question as to why a Being existing in totality would want to create anything in the first place, does such a system of relativity that we see on the earth seem like the handiwork of an Absolute God? Is a God whose creations are beset with such levels and gradations and relative strengths and weaknesses even absolute? And if an Absolute, Omnipotent God did create the world and gave life to it was this so-called circle of life with all its Darwinist trappings of cutthroat competition and survival of the fittest the only scheme in His Infinite Wisdom to sustain life? Or is one to believe that since Man is created in God’s own image, like Man, God Himself is callous and whimsical in the exercise of His Infinite Power, and has initiated this Great Game of life just to keep Himself entertained as the Lord and King of all in a very human-like conception of Kingdom and Lordship? How is this all to be understood in juxtaposition to the concept of the Absolute God?

Also, we are told since childhood that God is the Supreme Artist, and that He is Absolute Love. Every creation of His is like a work of art, and He loves each of His masterpieces; with a love that is absolute. Yet, he has subordinated some of his creations to others; to be utilized and dealt with according to the latter’s wishes, to be eaten or mistreated or simply killed just for fun. The Absolute Lover loves some of his creations much more than others such that He has made the former the arbiter of the latter’s lives and destinies. So much so that He commands His most favorite creation, Man, to sacrifice the lives of countless goats and sheep and oxen to Him at a given day in the year. Does a bleating goat feel no pain as its throat is slit? Does it not feel the life slowly draining out of it? Are those last-minute spasms and blood spurts signs of joy to be sacrificed to the Eternal One? Or is it just what it is, the macabre dance of death? Is such a bloodlust befitting to the One who professes Absolute Love? What difference then remains between Him and those minor deities he uprooted not too long ago; Baal, with his cult of human sacrifice, and all the gods and goddesses of Greece, Babylon and Egypt? Does either God (as we understand Him) or Man realize that life granted by an Absolute God to any being is an Absolute Reality and that, in principle, taking that life is an Absolute Crime? If Love is Sympathy, can God feel the pain of the dying animal, or is this sympathy overwhelmed by His Love for Man as he merrily takes life and then proceeds to feast on it? Why is human life alone sacred and all other life subject to the will of Man, when all life to all creation is granted by the Absolute God, and He alone should be the arbiter of fates? What is Man but the only beast that requires artificial skin on top of his own to even brave the weather? What is Man but a beast with all the basic instincts and desires of all other living creatures, but just the extra capacity for more efficient execution of all that his animal nature demands?

And what of the Supreme Artist? Why does He prefer a vertical ladder in the arrangement of His works of art, and not a horizontal shelf? From an entirely human, and therefore, probably irrelevant, perspective, would a Creator-Lover ever have His creations do to one another what life does to itself on the planet Earth?

By now, I am certain that any webspace pilgrim who has chanced upon this page has branded my line of thought a fine specimen of utmost stupidity. And it may very well be that. This is one reason I write over here where I am certain not many people will stumble upon it, at least not many of those who can actually get me strung up for such blasphemy, as it would appear to most. My weirdness stays in my own space. However, after many years of empty philosophizing, I have led myself to believe that the notion of God that we humans subscribe to is nothing but solace for our own tormented minds against the vagaries of that very system of life that He Himself is supposed to have created and set in motion, even if its current form has been shaped by human beings themselves over the centuries; a form in which the utility of a Divine Being guiding the hands of destiny stands visibly reduced. And after having observed this system, I can only hope that if there does exist an Absolute God, who is the Absolute Master of all Time and Space, let Him bring about a Day of Absolute Justice, so all would know what it was really all about.